This is an effort to express the meditation of 'loving kindness' (maithree bhavana) in a poetic form :
Love to others
begin with me
well & happy
may I be
Yes, my parents
Mom and Dad
be well & happy
I'm so glad
All my siblings
brother & sis
wish you all
a mind at peace
All my friends
and my peers
be well & happy
no more tears
All you people
dear to me
and you all
not dear to me
they who think
may you all be
well & happy
Country men,
and neighbours
be well & happy
no more fears
All those beings
that we see
all those beings
we do not see
take my merits
with all glee
well & happy
may all be
Close to me or,
far from me
well & happy
may you be
North or South
East or West
Top or Bottom
wherever you rest,
Loving kindness,
Compassion we gain
eternal bliss
may you attain...
begin with me
well & happy
may I be
Yes, my parents
Mom and Dad
be well & happy
I'm so glad
All my siblings
brother & sis
wish you all
a mind at peace
All my friends
and my peers
be well & happy
no more tears
All you people
dear to me
and you all
not dear to me
they who think
may you all be
well & happy
Country men,
and neighbours
be well & happy
no more fears
All those beings
that we see
all those beings
we do not see
take my merits
with all glee
well & happy
may all be
Close to me or,
far from me
well & happy
may you be
North or South
East or West
Top or Bottom
wherever you rest,
Loving kindness,
Compassion we gain
eternal bliss
may you attain...